
Journal of Human Development and Education for Specialized Research

About the Journal :

The Journal of Human Development and Education for Specialized Research is an academic journal issued by the Malaysian Institute of Science and Development. The aim of this journal is to disseminate serious studies based on theoretical and field research, and to promote multidisciplinary studies in human development, management and education for specialized research and become a leading journal in human development and education in the world. The Journal also aims at publishing theoretical and applied researches in the fields of human development and education for specialized research such as human resources management, business administration, communication sciences, development studies, economic sciences, education sciences, history, industrial relations, media sciences, psychology, Public administration, religious studies and others.


The study aims to identify the organization performance in Oman educational institutions. It aims also to identify the organization performance determinates and pilings for Oman educational institutions. The problem is lack to determine the organization performance for Oman educational institutions, it effect negatively in Oman education institutions. The importance of study is highlight on the organization performance definition and organization performance directions for Oman educational institutions. This study follows descriptive analytical studies to describe and analysis the organization performance in Oman educational institutions. The findings of study is the definition of organization performance should relaying on some aspects like achieve the interest of organization and employee as well. The result also of this study is training the employees in Oman educational institutions through allowing to develop the organizational performance. The result also reveals to work on implement the successful experimental of any countries besides after check the validity on  Oman educational institutions. 
Keywords: Organizational performance, Oman educational institutions, Pilings, Determinates.