About the Journal :
The Journal of Human Development and Education for Specialized Research is an academic journal issued by the Malaysian Institute of Science and Development. The aim of this journal is to disseminate serious studies based on theoretical and field research, and to promote multidisciplinary studies in human development, management and education for specialized research and become a leading journal in human development and education in the world. The Journal also aims at publishing theoretical and applied researches in the fields of human development and education for specialized research such as human resources management, business administration, communication sciences, development studies, economic sciences, education sciences, history, industrial relations, media sciences, psychology, Public administration, religious studies and others.
The GCC countries have achieved high indicators in the Knowledge Economy Index as the United Arab Emirates has advanced ranks in axes of institutions, infrastructure, health, basic education, market efficiency, and the development of financial markets compared with the rest of the GCC countries in 2017. There are other countries have succeeded in the transformation towards the knowledge economy like Singapore which has achieved advanced indicators in the areas of infrastructure, higher education, training, market efficiency, work efficiency, the development of financial markets and technological readiness, as well as South Korea, Finland and Malaysia which have achieved the highest indicators in the knowledge economy of the same year .
Keywords:knowledge economy, indicators, challenges, economic development.