
Journal of Human Development and Education for Specialized Research

About the Journal :

The Journal of Human Development and Education for Specialized Research is an academic journal issued by the Malaysian Institute of Science and Development. The aim of this journal is to disseminate serious studies based on theoretical and field research, and to promote multidisciplinary studies in human development, management and education for specialized research and become a leading journal in human development and education in the world. The Journal also aims at publishing theoretical and applied researches in the fields of human development and education for specialized research such as human resources management, business administration, communication sciences, development studies, economic sciences, education sciences, history, industrial relations, media sciences, psychology, Public administration, religious studies and others.



Islam represents the theology and the law and ethics as well as the philosophy in the universe of human life where Kamal is the quality and creativity whereas Islam is the wisdom verse of Islam known as ( Badie heavens and the earth, and if he decrees something, only he has the right to say it). The concept of quality teaching is represented in all teaching of Islam with complete all contents where the value of Islamic urge the Koran to have an overall quality in all tasks which supposed to be executed by all human so an attempt can be made in order to have some advantages in the modern scientific developments by Islam and it also urges human out of wisdom where the believer known to be the first person to discover it but it cannot be achieved as to give benefit without having conscious attempt , and what was the overall quality system and the summary characterized through contemporary theories. Apart from that, it also emphasizes and shows some differences in the model systems which are applied effectively and for his continuous success in alot of productive enterprises and service in many countries around the world. The fact about Islam is basically the principle in the Islamic origin and Sunnah as well as the curriculum management with a flexibility in the usage and having the version of comprehensive quality management and reinforcing the importance of system of Hedda and allowing the increase of chance in the application of Islamic societies which has been associated with the quality terms in Islam vocabulary and other concepts related to it and the most prominent term would be the charity and perfections, the Quran which did not neglect the areas of life, although Sunnis did not explain or elaborate all in detail, said the nations’ scientists, and what is Frtna, saluting the concept of quality of total management of the latest managements concepts which are his philosophy on a set of ideas and principles which can be adopted with any management in order to accomplish the best performance where the era of today is known to be more sophisticated and innovative and the search is also greater through efficiency and creativity where the world will be witnessing and experiencing advanced and rapid changes in fields of developments such as economy, technical fields, social, and this may call for an urgent demand in the quality of services and it also focuses more on the effectiveness and the quality of implementation in the total quality management.