The world is witnessing a rapid and growing development towards the acquisition of the latest information and communication technology (ICT) mechanisms and the transition from the various material industries to the intellectual industry, the so-called knowledge economy. The latter have seen an active role in accelerating the levels of cognitive development, for their money has a proven role in supporting and developing economic development in its overall concept.
The knowledge economy is measured from a set of specific indicators and criteria that help to give the optimal model that helps create added value in the levels of economic development.
Our study of this subject indicates that there are a significant number of indicators and that many of them are difficult to measure precisely because they are based on a qualitative qualitative concept rather than a quantitative one, and a comprehensive standard can not be found for all components of the knowledge economy, which we seek to define. In this paper, we will attempt to present some of the criteria for measuring the knowledge economy and how to use it (moving the qualitative criterion to a quantified criterion), with refer.ence to some models that contribute to raising the level of cognitive and economic development (KAM model).
Knowledge Economy, Economic Development, Quantitative Standard, Indicator Measurement, KAM Model.