
Journal of Human Development and Education for Specialized Research

About the Journal :

The Journal of Human Development and Education for Specialized Research is an academic journal issued by the Malaysian Institute of Science and Development. The aim of this journal is to disseminate serious studies based on theoretical and field research, and to promote multidisciplinary studies in human development, management and education for specialized research and become a leading journal in human development and education in the world. The Journal also aims at publishing theoretical and applied researches in the fields of human development and education for specialized research such as human resources management, business administration, communication sciences, development studies, economic sciences, education sciences, history, industrial relations, media sciences, psychology, Public administration, religious studies and others.


In this this search, we discussed about the effects of development and innovation in educational achievement outcomes, will be consistent with the needs and aspirations of learners in our contemporary reality. We discussed in detail the "concept of development and innovation in the field of education"  We stressed that development must be continuously developed based on innovation and creativity, and everything related to thinking, criticism, problem solving, leadership and excellence in achieving quality projects. We discussed: the importance of achieving education that meets the aspirations and needs of individual and social, we explained some basic characteristics that should be available in effective product positive education, which encourages innovation and supports innovators, transcends stereotypical ways of teaching and learning, and opens the horizons and aspirations of the learners, to achieve the demands of sustainable development through the investment of ideas among the competencies, innovators and innovators between learners and interested. While in the "quality education that meets the aspirations of learners" That successful education is one who gives opportunities for innovation and creativity among learners, practices critical thinking, uses creative mental and intellectual processes, In finding solutions to problems, according to quality standards in research and achievement of outputs. The Performance quality is practiced in institutions related to the public and private educational sector to pursue the right direction towards development and innovation, real development and serious change of curricula, decisions, strategies, methods and educational mechanisms, with the training of teachers and talented and supervisors and administrators, according to the new data that meet the requirements of the new reality of the new, and encourage learners to acquire flexible and renewable life skills, in accordance with the overall quality standards to be an educational institution productive, contribute positively to the process of sustainable development.While in the topic "Justifications for Innovation in Educational Institutions and its Impact on Sustainable Development" we discussed in detail the factors that make the learning system, from social and civil systems effective, the educational institutions must overcome the traditional slow and stereotyped work in its outputs and results, and work to change many of its mechanisms that do not match the new reality, Through the correct change: methods, mechanisms, curricula, activities, the way of thinking, which does not encourage creativity and creativity, is a constant barrier to sustainable development, which seeks to promote community institutions for a better life and excellence in performance. While in the topic of "Challenges and obstacles in the field of educational innovation", we pointed to many problems, which is an obstacle to scientific and educational innovation between learners and interested students of knowledge, as well as lack of appreciation and support from some of the heads of educational institutions, decision makers, and some civil and social bodies , which did not take into account the ingenuity of innovation, did not realize the problems of social and economic situation and its negative effects on development, and the rejection of the phenomenon of innovation, and surrender to the negative culture among learners, which necessitates an income that requires this situation, with support and the allocation of incubators to this marginalized privileged group (excluded) .

In conclusion we summarized what which   will do or exceed in the educational institution to achieve the aspirations and the prospects while keeping pace with the requirements in the contemporary reality.