We live in a distance numeral era that declares the variety of knowledge because of the huge progress of technological means. This results in changing all fields of life, especially in education. Its goals, domains, methods and techniques have changed and new terminologies of modern learning appeared such as: electronic learning, direct learning, distance learning and mobile learning. They all seek to apply numeral tdchnology in the processes of teaching and learning.
The use of technology in the third millennium has become a teaching and didactical necessity for students who are obliged to keep up with numeral learning by making use of its technological achievements. This requires substituting the classical learning environment, which depends on a pen and a paper as a basis, with a modern environment that uses new technologies And integrate them in the classroom.
By making use of the different means of the learning-teaching process. This should be translated into daily practices of the learners, and it should also be part of their reality. That's why, instead of the types of learning that focus on the role of the instructor through direct instructions, technology reinforces practices that depend on dialogue and involving learners in interesting atmospheres like: learning via discovery and problem-solving talent.
This way, we achieve active learning and we build an active citizen who is engaged in their community. We should think of ways to take learners from traditional educational systems, which rely on the teacher and the book as a principal source of knowledge, to modern educational systems that uses technology to develop learners' mental competencies and scientific research strategies in accordance with new educational approaches.
These latter help in creating teaching programs and new teaching techniques that respond to the challenges of the third millennium. They should bet on modernism and numeral citizenship which force us to create smooth teaching programs that suit the needs and the interests of the learners. These programs must be designed according to numeral educational standards such as using interactive books that have electronic means in accorance with the educational techniques of modern teaching programs that support working on devices and storage means like hard and mobile desks.
[1]- Ahmad al-amrawi, al-didaktikbayna al-maarifa al-madrasiyawa al-maarifaalmoktasaba, majalatfadaattarbawiya, al-adadatalith, assana al-talitha, mares 1997.
Key words: Didactic – Digitization – Interactive - Learning strategically - Digital citizenship